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The dapperQ New York Fashion Week Queer Runway Show

Imagine a world where fashion knows no boundaries, where self-expression is the only dress code, and where the glittering runways are as diverse as the sparkling city lights.

Welcome to the dapperQ New York Fashion Week Queer Runway Show! For those itching to dive into this stylish universe, buckle up your fanciest belts – we’re about to embark on a fabulous journey.

What’s the dapperQ Buzz About?

dapperQ is the queer style revolution, taking fashion beyond gender norms. The NYFW Queer Runway Show is their pièce de résistance, a yearly gathering where LGBTQIA+ models, designers, and fashion enthusiasts come together to redefine what fashion is and can be.

The Threads of the Evening

Wondering about the dress code? Here’s a secret: There isn’t one pride outfit! But since we’re talking dapperQ, there’s always a penchant for chic and daring. Think glittery suits, floor-length tuxedos, or even your grandma’s vintage floral dress paired with combat boots. The mantra? Be yourself, everyone else is taken.

Timing is Everything

Typically held in September (but always check the dates!), the NYFW Queer Runway Show is a glittering evening event. And remember, while being fashionably late is all the rage in movies, you wouldn’t want to miss a second of this show.

Prepping for the Event

Hair & Makeup: Whether you prefer the au naturel look, a dash of rouge, or a stripper look/outfit, full face of fierce, rock it like the diva you are!

Accessories: Think bold! Oversized hats, chunky jewelry, or even a cane for that sophisticated touch. Why? Because why not!

Shoes: From sky-high stilettos to comfy Converse, all that matters is the strut!

Ensuring Maximum Fun Quotient

Come with an Open Mind: You’re about to witness fashion like never before. Every color, pattern, fabric under the sun might make an appearance. Embrace it!

Snap & Share: Bring your camera or smartphone. Document your experience and flood those social media timelines. Let the FOMO begin!

Network: Rub elbows with designers, models, and fellow attendees. You never know, you might just find your fashion soulmate!

Do Applaud and Cheer: This isn’t your average hush-hush fashion event. Be loud and proud.

Don’t Overdo the Drinks: It might be tempting to keep the bubbly flowing, but you’ll want to remember this night!

Join the Afterparties: Because, let’s face it, the real fun starts after the show. The city will be buzzing with events – make sure you’re at the epicenter!

Stay Updated

Sign up for newsletters, join the dapperQ community, and follow related hashtags on social media. Keeping an ear to the ground ensures you’re always in the loop.

Respect & Admire

Remember, the dapperQ NYFW is not just a fashion show, it’s a celebration of individuality and the LGBTQIA+ community. Clap, cheer, and spread the love!


dapperQ’s NYFW Queer Runway Show is more than just an event – it’s a movement, a statement, a loud proclamation that fashion is for everyone, no matter how you identify. It’s where traditional norms are playfully nudged aside, making way for a rainbow of expressions. So, don your favorite outfit, sprinkle on that confidence, and step into a world where the only rule is to unapologetically be you!